Christmas Hampers Delivered

Sydney Christmas Hampers FREE Delivery

Branded Custom Fit Boxes

Phew, just got a moment to catch my breath - it is soo busy the elves, Kacy and I are attending to your orders.  At this stage it looks like being an even bigger year than 2011, which was our busiest ever.
authentic old school baskets
Our Authentic Old School Baskets

I would just like to take a moment to urge you to get your order in promptly.  Every year we get new clients and they are sometimes a bit tentative at first, considering we are a locally run independent hamper company and that we use boutique gourmet food. 

Don't be intimidated - we are not pretentious and I guarantee you will be more than impressed with the stunning presentation and equally memorable food, wine and condiments you will be sharing over the festive break.

Oh, and the free delivery thing - of course the big department stores offer free delivery - but it is costed into your hamper - which is perhaps why you get supermarket inclusions.  At Hunter Valley Hampers, we are honest to goodness and simply charge you what it costs us to freight your hamper, which is in most cases a measly $11.

So good shopping and thank you for supporting our family of local Hunter Valley food producers and winemakers.  Call 1300 284 684 to order.

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