Avoid HR Hassles with Hampers

At this time of year it is easy to get a little overwrought with the Christmas Spirit and before you know it you have accidentally exposed your longing for a fellow employee at a Christmas shindig.

Oops! Be safe and secure and avoid all the stress and worry of bumbling around with your co-workers sloshing a glass of chardonnay all over the place and order a Christmas Hamper online.

You'll wake up safely ensconced with your beloved and your 'secret friend' in accounts need never know your feelings. HR hassle avoided!


Gourmet Blog said...

Haha, is this some kind of joke? I get it now!

Gourmet Gift Box said...

Wow it must be getting busy at this time of year for you guys - good luck and Godspeed!

Gluten Free Shop said...

Very funny! Thanks for taking the heat out of my day!

Xmas Gift Baskets said...

I guess they can be pretty tricky - Office Parties - that is!